Solutions > Plating (metallization) for oil drilling tools

Solution - Plating (metallization) for oil drilling tools

Company G knew us on his way home from the end-user for claiming processing and they visited to us.
They wanted to know the reason why the pressure gauge diaphragm of special iron alloy was destroyed in a short period by the metal fatigue.
Additionally, he asked us about the solution method for this problem by some surface treatment.
We presumed the problem was caused by the hydrogen sulfide contained in the crude oil.
We developed a prototype by our combination technique of plating method and Company G evaluated our surface treatments of this prototype.
Although sand and sulfide contained in the crude oil and exposure time to the oil were unknown, the parts treated by our developed process enabled to be use for seven years and the life of the part were revealed for more than three years even under the severe environment.
Our surface treatment was able to significantly improve the life of G' parts.

Plating detail


  • Quality improvement
  • Difficult material to be plated
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