About Us > Global Market > Taiwan
Taiwan - Global Market
Mitsuya’s plating technologies have contributed to solving the problems of the Taiwan companies.
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Taiwan (ASIAA)
Mitsuya has provided the blackening treatment for parts installed the satellite to JAXA for ten years.
We have gained JAXA's trust for our of advanced surface treatment technologies which have accumulated for many years.
As a result of partnership between Mitsuya and JAXA, we were introduced to ASSIA from JAXA.
ASIAA means “Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica” as you know. We have provided the blackening treatment for parts installed the satellite.
The black coating needed by ASIAA can be provided only by Mitsuya in Japan.

The case of the fuse manufacture
Taiwan fuse manufacturer looked Mitsuya home page, as the results, they gave an inquiry to us.
They visited our office in the inquired next week. We examined the plating specifications for low melting point of the fusing point.
We are now evaluating the trial manufacture of plural specifications.