Services > Analysis Service
Analysis Service on Platings

We are also providing the function and property analysis service of our plating and finishing, such as mechanical strength, sliding property, reflectance,
surface roughness, electrical conductive property, etc..
This analysis service is additional for our plating and finishing only, not for those by other parties.
Analysis of plating deposit & substrate

We have provided the service to analyze or observe the plating deposit and substrate, such as a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the surface,
by using a microscope, cross-section polisher, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, etc.
The right figure is an example of the Pb content analysis in the tin plating deposit by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.
Evaluation of plating deposit property

We have provided the evaluation service of our plating and finishing deposit property, such as corrosion resistance, solderbility, wear resistance, reflectance,
and contact resistance, etc.
The right figure is an example of the solder wettability test by measuring the pulling force and time from the solder bath.
Analysis of liquid for plating solution

We can also provide the analysis service of the liquid for various plating and finishing solutions, such as metal ion concentration, neutralization, precipitation and
The right figure is an example of the liquid analysis of electroless nickel plating by the capillary electrophoresis instrument.